Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pray For Rain

The clock's ticking louder than ever as all these deadlines start to close in. There's three places I want to display some work coming right around the corner; Illest of Ill, Tata and ZigZag's 'zine. I've never been a fan of recycling old artwork made a year or more ago in student shows like these. It just seems like a better idea to take the gallery theme into consideration and create something fresh and new for it. In the end though, I suppose it doesn't matter though because the audience probably won't realize that your best work was from an assignment you did a year ago and hell, you may even sell something. I guess what I'm getting at is.. my stubbornness has been keeping me busy. =)

Over the past week, George Pratt ( ), my illustration teacher this year and a beast of an illustrator himself has given us a demo in both ink and oils. I realize that I tend to take in more whenever I get the opportunity to watch an artist demo which is why I wish that there were more in the area to see.

George Pratt's Demo Pieces

Finally, some paintings I did last week!

Looking back, I tend to go back and redo a ton of parts, either muddying things up or just making it not look like normal skin (especially in that second piece- which I must say, I did while working with the worst model I've painted). I'm going to make an effort in the future to nail the values and color I want to use from the beginning and stick with 2-3 mixtures until the end when I could come back with highlight, reflective light, the works. We'll see where things go from here!

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