Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rise Slowly, Prevent Communal DCS

Hello world! I'm going to skip all the "It's been a while" and 'Sorry's, and just jump back into this. My art blog needs a revival (and art), so since I have received my first camera (Canon Powershot!), it should be easier to post pictures of my paintings, work, general-interesting-sights and writing! I've always been worried about 'quality' when it came to showing things but this year I figured I'd focus more on quantity and just make a lot and share them. So like introducing yourself to someone you just met, I can't think of much more to say so here's some one session paintings I did and a few things from over the summer!

The 2nd figure and the portraiture at the end were one class paintings in my Figure painting class. I already have two more paintings I'm getting ready to post soon so expect to see a lot coming out of that class =] I'm really hoping to improve on my painting skills this semester since its been holding me back on my illustrations for a while.
Oh, and the third landscape painting was done in a hotel at St. Augustine, looking out a window. I didn't get to pour as much time as I wanted since sitting down and painting "wasn't much of a vacation" to the family, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Well its late, I'll fill this thing up with more of what I've been up to, shortly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that snail is terrible do it better.